Tuesday, December 26, 2006

old memories

what happens when you find your old autograph book.....the one that ur crazy classmates filled in before biding good bye in high school, not to mention the whole 12 yrs of frdship.....wow! wht were we all thinking ......lOL! each other's dreams, wishes, preferences.....and where do we stand today....how many questions has time answered...from ambitions to dreams.........
some played it safe, by not mentioning abt their ambitions ( like me....;).. and others more bold.
its all cool now....well reality has its route....
its even more interesting to see wht ppl thought about u, thought where you will be in the future...impressions you made on them....and the impressions they made on you !!
we all change, but not much ....I am sure some where deep inside...the same old crazy idiots do sleep....even if we r 4o yrs old or more.....
just got to dig deep.....

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