Monday, December 25, 2006

after christmas with frds

mmm....frds can be so many different types, especially when you are r the two polar opposites, its gets really interesting.....think about this scenario....2 frds....same age, same sex, same career ...but totally different world will you feel about that!...interesting at times, tough at some many emotions can be involved when these 2 worlds interact.....intimated???scared?? jealous???? (mmmm squeezzing my brain for more).......the worst is when you turn back and look where you came the world ard you has evolved....and how you have changed with so many ways.....are you really rite in all the decisions you have made through the journey !!!....mmm this is really a deep thing to think about!! and a tough one too......
and now you are trying to see 2 totally different worlds, through each others' lens....ooffhhh....its a hard one....exhausting....
there can be so many instance when you just agree, just becoz you dont want the other person to feel hurt...but in reality your inner soul is screaming the rite OPPOSITE!!!!
your beliefs can be so different, ideals, rightousness....could be too.....but you just have to find one narrow similarity and HOLD ON to it.....just there....
but I also wonder if the other person ever gives so much of thought into what YOU they really CARE!!!...coz there are so many instance their words just HURT! consciously or UN...
the real doubt comes in when they behave as GOOD frds with you espeically when they NEED something from seems like they totally didnt say anything sarcastically .....hurted you????? NOOOO......either they r unware of it (1% possibility) or forgets it (10% ) or just assumes that you dont care, (still have attained they goal of hurting you) (89%).....
well everyone is just so different.....and this is just one section of the just have to learn from them.....

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